
Watch Kagiso Leburu in ‘Four Pula’, a young BW skater’s story.



The skate culture in BW has been around for years now, it’s one of the fringe urban culture spaces that has a small but very dedicated community. These guys grind wheels and take to air on pavements and have just dropped a short film to showcase Kagiso Leburu, a key member of the community in ‘Four Pula’

We reached put to him to find out his inspiration for doing the film and he had this to say, “Ay Fam that’s dope! Alright, so every time I go skate i get so excited like it’s the first time all the time I want the kids to know that as long as you want something you can get it even if no one has done it before that shouldn’t stop you at all! Most times parents in Botswana wouldn’t let you Chase your dream rather they’d want you to chase theirs like force you to do what they wanted to do but couldn’t do. Fortunately for me my Mum really wants to see me live my dream and I don’t take that lightly because it’s rare to have that here. The world is full of opportunities!”



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