
BTC backs the development of the Music Industry – Sponsors BIMC



Seabelo Modibe and team have been working at building a platform meant to contribute to the growth of the music industry. It is with this view that the Botswana International Music Conference (BIMC) was founded, a platform that brings together musicians, producers, international conferences, record labels, publishers and many others – the conference is now in it’s 5th year and was this year expanded to feature speed dates, showcases as well panel discussions and working meetings meant to facilitate business.

Having built the platform up over the years, BIMC now attracts over 200 daily attendees for 3 days, their vision has now grown and has been attracting partnerships both locally and across the continent. This year the Minsitry of Youth Sports and Culture, Viacom’s BET & MTV, Yarona FM as well as BTC jumped on to make the conference a success. This can only contribute positively towards the overall growth,

Watch Seabelo talk to this and the BTC Sponsorship

The move seems to follow closely the recently announced BTC #WeLoveMusic promise which seems to signal a stronger intent in building affiliation with what is arguably an everyday product for their potential customers. Big ups to BTC for getting onboard this!



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